
many apologies

As I waited for Sardius in the dentist office I read through the latest Newsweek. One article caught my eye: Arguing Against the Atheists.

Recently several books have been released in response to a book entitled "God is not Great".

These books all hope to make the case for the author's belief in God.

"What God Can Do for You Now"
"Why Faith Matters"
"A Friendly Letter to Skeptics and Atheists"
"Is God a Delusion?"
"How to Believe in God"


The author of the article made a great point....everyone seems to view God differently. So here we have all these books, polls, opinions, debates on God...and no one is speaking about the same God. Everyone has their own view of God and so the books, polls, opinions and debates go nowhere. There is no starting point of Truth.

Thus...I must ask do I share the Truth of who He is with someone whose idea of Him is so skewed that they can barely hear what I say?

I already know part of the answer because I have experienced it: I allow Him to live through me. My co-workers who interact with me daily and "know" me will be far more willing to listen and consider belief...than the guy I have never met that I stop as he walks by me on the street. Paul talks about this "sphere" in 2nd Corinthians. We all have our own "Sphere of Influence".

Scenario #1

Hey A, I have this assignment for my world lit class. I have to read the Old Testament (said with a squirm) Um, uh....well ...(and it comes out in a rush)....I know you like, read the bible and stuff and I was wondering if you could maybe help me.


Well you see I have all these stories I have to read and compare and I read for like 2 hours last night and I can't understand any of it...I mean none of it! I only have the King James. Do you know of another bible that might be easier for me to understand.

sure. I will bring it in tomorrow.

Thank you! (and their relief is palatable)


This is a version called the Message, modern everyday language. I think you will have a much easier time understanding the Old Testament with this. What do you have to read?

Oh, the genesis story and umm, the flood and some other stuff.

Well, it should go a bit faster for you with this version.

Will you proofread my papers after I have written them?

You bet.


Here are my papers and thank you for letting me borrow your book. That was way easier. I feel like I could really understand what I was reading. Thanks for proofreading, let me know what you think.

Good stuff here, I liked reading it. Especially what you had to say about Job's friends. My favorite part was your conclusion: Mercy. That God is merciful. You are exactly right. Not many people seem to see or understand that mercy. Job's three friend's are quite a crack up aren't they? They really represent some different philosophies of thinking. Hey I gotta get back to work. See you later.


Hey, A. I was thinking last night and I need to ask you something. What you said about Job's friends..did you think my conclusions were wrong or that I didn't understand something?

Nope, I thought your paper was very good. And I really liked that you saw the mercy of God. You didn't mention Job's 4th friend though. I was wondering what you thought of him.

A 4th friend! What? My assignment said to evaluate the 3 friends.

Yep, there is a 4th friend. He just sits and listens to it all and then he says his piece. He is younger than the others...but he sure seems to get it. And then comes the best part. God speaks. That's my favorite.

Hmmm, another friend. But you thought my paper was ok?

Yes. You always do a good job with your writing. I look forward to reading the rest of them.


Scenario #2

(It is opening night at The Haunted Ship. A hundred or so teenagers are standing around and waiting in line. I wear a big placard "Jesus Saves" on one side "You are going to hell" on the other. I walk back and forth and shout out about the devil and demons and how this haunted ship is wrong.)

Do not go in there! Save yourselves! Jesus saves! Listen to me, I have some good news to tell you. Hey , Hey can I talk to you?

Leave me alone you idiot.

Really I just want to talk to you about God.

God!? whatever, there is no God or if there is a God who even cares. I don't! He doesn't care about me or anybody except those who can be "very, very good". Whatever. You are creeping me out. Yuck. Let's go guys.

God loves you! that guy is weird. if that is God than forget it.


I do not write this to mock....I only hope to be honest in what I have seen.

Thus...I must ask do I share the Truth of who He is with someone whose idea of Him is so skewed that they can barely hear what I say?

Which scenario leads to a place to start with the Truth? #1 or #2? You know my answer.

Is there another part to the answer?


Sanctification said...


Perfect! Ahh; someone else gets it.

At least, this makes a lot of sense to me.

I don't know. I try to think when in the conversation I need to tell them they're going to hell.

I need a little help reasoning on that one....


Aletheia said...

Hi Michele :),

I am so glad that it makes sense.

As you might have guessed the first scenario is true and happened in my life with a co-worker.

The second scenario was not me, but a scene that I witnessed recently.

I am not sure of the necessity of telling someone they are going to hell. Most have already heard that in many ways . The beautiful part about conversation is that it is not always up to us to bring something up. It is very likely that the person we are speaking with will bring up what is important and applies to them.

I cannot think of a time I have ever said to anyone "you are going to hell".

I can remember saying "What are your thoughts on heaven and hell?"

A much better phrasing I think.